Ryan Harper

Hey I’m Ryan, most folks just call me Harper. 212 absolutely rocks and becoming a member has been such a positive influence in more ways than one.

For most of my late teens and early 20’s, I worked manual labor jobs that kept me physically active throughout my daily life. Nowadays I work on a computer all day, and it takes a lot more effort to get that physical activity. After years of on-again, off-again stints at other gyms, I hit a serious skid from 2018-2020 and really lost touch with my body. In late 2020 I knew it was time for a change.

When I signed up in January of ‘21, I didn’t just start a fitness program, I became part of a community. The 212 staff is awesome to work with and the other members are all so friendly. Having joined mid-pandemic, the people aspect of the experience has been just as valuable as the fitness benefits. The opportunity to get out of the house, exercise,  and socialize with some great people has really helped me stay grounded and keep a positive mindset in my daily life. I find a lot of inspiration from the other members, especially those older than me who are still in there getting after it and taking care of their health.

My biggest struggles with fitness have always been consistency and programming. It’s hard enough to stay consistent, and designing my own workout routines would often lead to decision fatigue and an excuse to quit before I got started. To be successful and make an actual lifestyle change, I knew I had to set achievable goals and plug into a program that let me focus on just showing up and doing the work. 

Here I am almost two years later, still showing up and doing the work every week. I’ve set new personal records in multiple areas and I’ve never been stronger or more in tune with the mechanics of my body. If I ever have to miss a session, I can really notice the difference in how I feel both physically and mentally. 

Salute to everyone at 212, I hope to be a member for many years to come!