Paul Whitehead

I want to thank Kerry and the staff for selecting me for the Member Spotlight.

I have been working out at 212 Health and Performance since August 6th 2015. Before then I was working out at the Newman Y.   

The workouts at the Y were getting stale and I was looking for a new challenge. My next door neighbor suggested 212 and I decided to give it a try. My first workout with Kerry was an experience. The workout was something I had not felt since I was a high school and college athlete at Providence College. Back then I had coaches who made sure the reps were completed in full. For many years before 212, I was being my own coach and I needed to be fired! The results were not happening for me. What I have found at 212 is that through individual instruction, results do happen. Those extra reps are completed which makes a difference.  

My main activities outside of the gym are running and golf. The exercises and the stretching the staff have me do help quite a bit in both sports. The stretching has been especially helpful in golf.   I am always encouraged to see pro athletes on TV doing the same exercises I do. Whether it be working with rubber bands, the box jump or kettlebells, seeing elite athletes use the same workout methods makes me feel like I am on the right track. I have noticed increased distance in golf and better endurance in running.  

People asked me why 212 and I say it's just different. Accountability to your program means a lot here. If life takes me away from the gym for a period of time and my workouts dwindle from 3 times a week to once a week for an extended amount of time, you can count on a call or email from Kerry, Sean or Colin asking “How's it going”. That would not happen with other gyms and it shows how much they care.  

My membership allows me to participate in small group training which I do on Tuesday nights. This is the time when I try to perfect my form in kettlebells. Colin does a great job in that area.  

I really enjoy the family atmosphere at 212. From the front desk to the staff and all the members who are always ready with words of encouragement. I have nothing but good things to say about 212 and I hope to be a member for life.