Sandy Barbour

I have always enjoyed outdoor activities including horseback riding, biking, and especially running, but never had much interest in the weight room. It wasn't until I was informed I had Osteopenia, and was at high risk for bone fractures, that I decided it was time to include weights. I tried a few strength classes at our local YMCA, but was bored silly!

 My adventure with 212 all started while training for my first triathlon with Robi-Ann Medeiros. She told me about her gym and how special it was. Shortly after, I signed up for my Free Orientation with Kerry. The rest is history!

Joining 212 has been the best fitness decision of my life! Believe it or not, I have never been happier with my workouts and overall health. At 57, I feel better now than when I was 30! I'm also running faster, jumping higher, climbing ropes, and getting stronger everyday! I have found every trainer at 212 to be extremely knowledgeable, motivating and helpful. They are always pushing me out of my comfort zone...expecting me to give my best. 212 has become my "home away from home"!