Selden Hannah

My daughter informed me that I was going to be 212 Health and Performance’s Spotlight Member this month… “Oh, dear…” I said.  Much like my daughter, I am not a big fan of being in the limelight or having attention drawn to me.  I keep my emotions close to the vest and am known for putting my head down, working hard and pushing through.  But here I am… being honored for accomplishments that are in big part a result of the efforts of Kerry Taylor and the other gym trainers. 

I joined 212 in April of 2021 after Covid.  Attending small group sessions with my daughter, which was a lovely way for us to spend some time together and remain healthy.   We continued to build my strength and Kerry adapted my routines to the natural aches and pains that come from older age.  But my knees were worn and the cartilage mostly gone… So in late January of 2023, I went in for bilateral knee surgery.  Who would have guessed it, but within the same week of surgery, I was driving my physical therapists crazy by walking around without using my walker…  The journey wasn’t all easy though… There were moments where getting my knees to bend and straighten became tough…  Dismissed from PT, I continued to work with Kerry and his team twice a week in small groups… AND would you believe it.  There are days I can do a lunge and place my knee on the floor. 

So… the spotlight… I take it as an honor.  I have lived an active life, racing on skis, playing tennis, riding bicycles including century rides and more.  To be in the golden years of my life and still active keeps me young.  On any given day, you can find me pulling rocks from the ground, taking walks and chasing after a toddler that my daughter brings around… Thank you 212