Rich Cipriani

I am honored to be recognized and humbled to be able to share my journey to 212. A very circuitous one for sure but one that feels like I have landed where I am supposed to be! So many positive people, so much positive energy! I am positive that I made the right decision to join 212!

A friend and member of 212 had been urging me to join back in 2022. She spoke very highly of the staff, the members and the facility and told me the programs were amazing and the results were as well. Living 25 minutes away and working in Newport, I was reluctant to make the move at first.

I have always been athletic and come from an athletic family in Connecticut. I played sports in high school and tried to maintain some level of fitness as I grew older. My dad was a coach and athletic director and would be sure to bring up fitness and body weight to me even in my 30’s and 40’s. I played basketball for many years, always liked to run and have been skiing since I was young. So I tried to stay in shape as best I could. I was and still am a big outdoor person and love to do anything and everything outdoors. All of that requires some level of fitness.

I moved to Newport after college and found it very much to my liking. I originally wanted to live and work in NYC but once I got to Newport I knew it was the place for me with the ocean and the people and the night life….. it was easy to get off track but I fought thru it and did my best to stay fit.

In the meantime, I got married, worked hard at my job and adopted an amazing little man from Russia, Nicholas! I seemingly had it all and saw fitness gradually drop lower in my priorities. As I got older and more out of shape, every time I started working out again I would get nagging injuries. Patella Tendinitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Elbow Tendinitis, Achilles Tendinitis. I think I have had every “itis” that you can possibly have. Those were my excuses for never joining a gym.

Well life can come at you hard and mine certainly did! I lost my Dad to cancer, got divorced, saw my Mom suffer from Alzheimer’s and had to move her to Rhode Island to take care of her. My son left for college and here I was by myself feeling depressed, overweight, unfulfilled and full of anxiety.

Depression and anxiety can be a difficult beast to overcome and it was for me at first. The anxiety part of it made me lose significant weight. I don’t recommend that as a weight loss method but I realized that maybe I can benefit from my new “old” body!

It was in 2014 that someone inspired me to get off my butt and start my fitness and wellness journey. Kristen Correia, owner of Renaissance Fitness in Newport convinced me to start taking her boot camp classes and yoga at her gym. It was a revelation and soon I was back in the game! After a couple of years with Kristen, I started with personal training at a gym in Portsmouth. It took me to another level that I thought I could not achieve.

Unfortunately I lapsed in my training and even though I was a member at a local gym, my fitness level took a few steps backwards.

Then came 2022 and 212. I did the 5 week introductory offer in August 2022 and joined full time in September. I also made lifestyle changes and re-introduced wellness, mental health and started a plant-based diet. The physical and mental boost was incredible! Kerry and Sean have trained me to reach another level and work thru my “itises” and with all the positive changes I have made I am healthier than I have ever been. Ready to ride the wave into an exciting future!

I could not have done it without 212 and the many amazing people I have met along the way! You can really do what you want if you give it maximum effort, attention and have an advocate to help you! I am fortunate to have people in my corner, 212 family included!

Thanks for helping me reach a new level 212!

Let’s reach a few more!

So appreciative of you all!
