Follow Cupid's Advice

Hey Hey 212ers, I received a letter from Cupid that he wanted me to share with all of you as reminders on some things to do to make sure you keep yourself healthy and strong like he does.

Dear 212ers,

  You may never see me but believe me, I have touched all of your lives at some point.  Some of you multiple times.  My job, as all of you are aware is to spread all the love and happiness I can, especially on my big day!  Valentine’s Day!  Which is right around the corner, to make sure I’m at my best for all of you, I do everything I can to keep my health and mental well being in tip top shape and at the top of my list of impotance.  Here are some rules I follow and maybe you should too. Wink! Wink!

Exercise Regularly

I have to make sure I stay active, weather it’s in my home gym in the clouds, or having target practice flying around shooting my arrows.  Sometimes you can catch me dancing to my favorite song. This helps me to maintain my high energy levels that it takes to keep up with the group of you that are so stubborn.

Get Enough Sleep

I used to not sleep much, always up late trying to come up with a plan to overcome some of my greater challenges but I have been getting more lately.  I feel recharged every day now and ready to go.  As a result, I have made one of my biggest love stories yet.  We will see how it goes.  Don’t forget to tune in to the Super Bowl and check them out, GO CHIEFS!

Manage that Stress

Valentine’s Day can be a very stressful day for me, and I imagine for some of you.  With all the expectations I have and you have for each other, can you wonder why?  I make sure to manage my stress by practicing some meditation and Yoga.  They help me keep a calm mind and calm body!  Those may or may not be for you but whatever it is you like to do to help manage your stress and keep it down, make sure you apply it!

Stay Hydrated

Everyone knows that they need to drink water.  Just make sure you drink more than you think to ensure you’re getting enough in to your system.  If you’re not using the bathroom at least a few times a day, then you aren’t drinking enough.  I already have my bottles filled next to my quiver, ready to go for the big day!  

Fuel Yourself Properly

As always, make sure you are having a balanced diet.  Having a variety of one ingredient foods, will ensure you keep your strength up, joints feeling, and the rest of your body glowing.  Why do you think I’m always bouncing around?!

Don’t Overdo It

Conversely, make sure to not overdo it.  With the big day around the corner, I see all of you having a lot more sugar and fattier foods than you should.  Go ahead and enjoy yourself on our special day together but remember to level things back down once it’s over.

Stay Positive

Always stay positive, I know it is tough sometimes but you have to always look at the positive of all situations.  Believe me, not every arrow I shoot makes its mark.  Nor do the effects last as long as I expect them too.  I get discouraged but I stay positive and take on every challenge.  Some of you need to stay still and make my job easier. LOL.  Stay away from the negative people that may cross your path, they just want to give you that negative energy so they can feel better about themselves.

I have been practicing these rules since the beginning of time, and I haven’t missed a Valentine’s Day yet.  This year, I feel stronger than ever, keep your eyes open as I fly around, shoot my arrows and spread love.  Watch out, you may be the next one I have in my sites!

Don’t forget to join Kerry and the 212 team for the Valentine’s Day Couples Challenge, Sunday, February 18th at 9am. I worked on it with them and it’s guaranteed to be a great time!