Unleash the Power Within: The Importance of Power Training for All Individuals

by Kerry Taylor

If you’re reading this, more than likely you do some level of working out or training. There are many different ways to train our bodies to be the version we would like it to be. One piece of the puzzle that sometimes is left out is training for power. Some of you may instantly have thought of athletes jumping on huge boxes or Crossfitters throwing barbells around. Yes, those exercises do train power, but those aren’t the only people that need it nor are those the only ways to do it.

Training for power is for everyone and everyone needs it and can benefit from it. Unfortunately, many do not do it and keep it out of their training, and others think they can’t do it because they aged out of doing it. The reality is, power training works our type IIB muscle fibers which are the first type of muscle fibers to diminish as we age. But, like most things, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Type IIB muscle fibers are the muscle fibers that contribute to our ability to have a level of power output. So train ‘em so you can maintain ‘em.

The benefits training for power gives you:

  • Metabolic Boost: will elevate the heart rate and increase your calorie output.

  • Strong Bones: Power training places more stress on your bones, which will stimulate bone growth that will aid in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, especially in the older crowd.

  • Moving Better: Enhances the body’s ability to generate force quickly, leading to improved performance in high level activities like springing, but also lower level activities like walking.

  • Improve your balance and stability: Learning how to absorb force will help reduce the likelihood of fall.

  • Look good in the mirror: will increase lean muscle mass and improve your definition.

  • Build Resilience: Tendons, ligaments and the fascia in those areas become stronger which will help to reduce the risk of strains and sprains in the joints.

  • The new found enjoyment and variety: the pure nature of performing different drills for power will open up a new toy box for people to keep their training fresh, fun and exciting.

These are just a few of the benefits you get when you add an aspect of training for power into your programs. I think it’s enough for you to understand that you need to find a way to incorporate it into your training. Whether it’s in your warm up or during the meat and potatoes of your workout, it should be in there. Until next time, continue to live life one degree above the rest.