Why Strength Train?

I recently had a sit down with a potential new client and in our conversation, she expressed that she mentioned to a friend that she was going to hire a coach to help her get back in shape and get her strong again. Her friend then replied with, “Just go walking and you will be fine.” She then expressed to her friend that, “she needs more than walking to achieve what she is looking for and envisioning in her head.”

So, I figured I would take this opportunity to point out to those out there that may not be too sure of the importance of strength training and the benefits that come along with it. I love the idea of walking, I think more people should carve out time to do it. In addition to walking, there should be some level of strength training involved and here are some reasons why.

Builds Muscle and Increases your Strength
Regular strength training will increase your muscle mass, which will help with your overall physical performance in life and sport.

Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that can cause your bones to become weak and brittle. Strength training will increase your bone density, which will help prevent different fractures from happening.

Helps with Weight Loss
Strength training will boost your metabolism. It does that for you by building more muscle, which in turn will burn more calories that will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Improves your Balance and Stability
This becomes even more important as we get older. Stronger muscles will help prevent falls and other crazy accidents that may happen that could lead to a serious injury.

Increases your Confidence and Self Esteem
As people go along this journey and commit to it, we don’t just see the physical change. The mental changes start to stick out as well. You see people starting to try and do things you know they would’ve never thought to try before.

Your Sleep gets Better
We know strength training will help release endorphins into your system (even though I have some clients that say it never happens for them, lol), which will help reduce stress and anxiety, in turn allowing you to relax more and sleep better at night.

Improves your Posture
Strengthening the muscles that support your shoulders, spine and neck will help you stay more upright and reduce the risk of back pain and shoulder injuries.

Give Yourself a Better Overall Quality of Life
Strength training will improve your mental, emotional and physical health. You’ll feel better, look better and enjoy life even more.

Reduce Chronic Disease
There are changes that happen on the outside of your body. But the real magic happens on the inside. Blood pressure gets better and so many other conditions we deal with internally.

As you can see from above there are so many benefits to strength training. Everyone, I mean everyone of all ages, shapes, sizes and levels should participate in strength training to some degree. So, what’s holding you back? What are you waiting for? Start strength training today and start reaping the benefits of all your hard work.

Until next time, continue to live life 1 degree above the rest.